Retama Equine Hospital
Computer Assisted Gait Analysis
We use Computer Assisted Gait Analysis as a diagnostic test for lameness in horses. This procedure is noninvasive and nonpainful.

Computer Assisted Gait Analysis
Retama Equine Hospital is proud to offer Computer Assisted Gait Analysis.
Gait Analysis is a novel approach to assessing lameness in horses. It allows your veterinarian to determine the amount of weight your horse is placing on each foot and the force that each limb is landing with and pushing off with. This means that we can localize even the most subtle lameness, which can be very helpful in working horses, as well as horses that are stoic. In addition to diagnosing the affected limb, Gait Analysis can also be utilized to monitor progress after soft-tissue injuries. It is a great tool to be used at multiple intervals to track progress and is a quick and easy diagnostic test that is noninvasive and nonpainful.